Saturday, June 12, 2010

POEM: The Footwashing

Older woman, Titus 2 woman,
You taught me to feed little ones
God's Word
in bites their size.
You showed me how to lead them
to their Father's arms.

I look up to you, wise friend, godly friend.
So why, looking down, do I see you
kneeling before me
washing my feet?
There must be some mistake!
This isn't right.
I should be serving you.

In my own embarrassment
I hear echoes of Peter's protest
as his Lord knelt before him.
And the Lord is saying to us both,
"Even the Son of Man did not come
to be served but to serve
and to give His life a ransom for many."

Jesus Christ, before Whom every knee will bow,
bowed before me?
He, Whom I have pierced and wounded,
tenderly touching my feet?
How far down He is willing to stoop
as He kneels to offer me His love!

(Published in Time of Singing, July, 1990)

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