Friday, June 25, 2010


When you have given birth,
the uterus must be kneaded firmly
or there can be serious consequences.
Sometimes it takes a nurse
plunging her hand into your tired stomach
and squeezing for all she's worth
to do the job right.

When a nurse did this to me,
I grabbed her arms with both hands
and tried ineffectively to force her away.
As I did, recognizing that
the pain was necessary,
I gasped, "I'm sorry!"

O God, who will not let me fall
--although I try--now hold me fast.
I hear the charming siren's call:
Lord, chain me to the mast.

O God, I struggle raw--
I rave--
against Your love, and gnaw
the hand which keeps me
from the one I crave.

Lord, make me true to You
although it bring me to my grave.

O God who steers me opposite
my heart
until the rules of heaven change,
keep us apart.

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