Sunday, May 16, 2010

Prayer for self or others

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray ________________ will know and believe that:
--You are the one true God,
      omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent,
        eternal, unchanging, living and personal,
          all-wise, all-just, all-good, faithful, trustworthy, patient,
            loving, compassionate, merciful--You have designed and created all things
      and uphold them by the word of Your power,
--You have designed and created us for a purpose,
      that we may humble ourselves to seek that purpose,
        to seek You where You may be found,
--Everything we have is from You
     and You will hold us accountable for our use of it
--You have designed and created us
      in Your own image, with a family resemblance,
--You can be known, You want to be known but
     You are holy and we are not,
       we fall short of Your perfect standard.
      We can reach up to You
         but we cannot reach You.
      You must reach down to us--

--and You have!
You have provided Your written word
   which shows us our need for salvation,
You have provided Your spoken word, Jesus Christ,
    the sin-bearer,
    who met our need for salvation
      by giving Himself for us, the just for the unjust,
        that He who knew no sin would be made sin for us,
          that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him,
    who is the one Mediator between God and man,
       the only One through whose name we can and must be saved
You have provided the Holy Spirit, who lives His life through us
and You have provided the church, his body,
  for our direction, accountability, support and encouragement.

I pray that
--we will have ears to hear Your truth
--You will remove all deception, delusion, distortion, and distraction from our minds
      and remove any veils or scales over our understanding.
--You will speak truth to the lies we believe
--we may know the truth and it will set us free
--the enemy's agenda will not be realized in or through us but
--Your agenda will be realized in our lives.
--________ will be born again, receiving Your son Jesus Christ as their savior,
    Yeshua as their Messiah

Convict us of our idols, so we will forsake them, having no other gods before You,
Convict us of our sins, so we will renounce them, confessing whatever we need to confess,
Convict us of our grudges, so we will forgive whoever we need to forgive.

I pray we will commit everything we have to You, our
--past, present, and future
--personal agendas, dreams, ambitions, aspirations, and desires

I pray for Your personal impact on our lives, that we will
--seek Your guidance and wisdom
--recognize and receive it when You give it to us
--come into a deeper relationship with You.

I pray You will infuse our decisions with
--a strong moral dimension
--a commitment to use the mighty power of whatever our field to
--walk uprightly
--be assets to society,
preferring others and respecting their property
--uplift, inspire
--exalt truth and righteousness
--be and provide good role models
--do all things with excellence
I pray those of us who know You will
--abide in You
--read, study, understand, believe, remember, meditate on and obey Your word
     reflecting You clearly,
     in everything giving thanks to You
--advance Your kingdom, enduring until the end,
--and bring You glory.

Father, thank You for exposing and thwarting all terrorist, false and evil agendas.
Please continue to expose and thwart all terrorist, false and evil agendas.

In Jesus' name,

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