Wednesday, July 7, 2010

STORY: Report on Suspect "B"

                                 REPORT ON SUSPECT "B"
                                             by Agent Aleph
                                        (alias Jessica Shaver)

                                         from the files of the
                               Pharisee Bureau of Investigation

                                            TOP SECRET

                                                                                      Jerusalem, AD 42

Dear Chief,
     Have Headquarters start a file on a guy named Barnabas.  Seems to be making a name for himself in the assembly here.  Good pal of Saul's but I think we can handle that with a little luck--you know the drill: play the leaders against each other.  Barnabas is a hard-headed young fellow once he's got his mind made up and Saul's not one to take well to competition.
     I've done a little snooping. Barnabas is an alias the head honchos gave him--means Son of Encouragement.  Real name is Joseph; background is Jewish--Levite, no less.  It's all adding up.  Changed his name, moved out of Cyprus (as far as I can tell, he just struck out for the big city to make a name for himself), got in with this religious cover organization and worked his way up.  Looks bad.  Haven't seen him in a synagogue except when he goes with Saul to break up meetings and put the place in an uproar.
     You should see him the next day with his buddies, though.  Real smooth talker.  Teaches in the morning, first day of the week.  This thing's really moving.  We've got to nip it NOW.
                                                                                        Agent Aleph 


     Big excitement in Antioch--the group in Jerusalem packed Barnabas off to get in on it.  Some men from Barnabas' home town landed here and are getting the rabble stirred up--Jews, Gentiles, they don't care who--around this blasphemer Jesus of Nazareth that we took care of awhile back.  No regard for tradition, nothing but contempt for the heritage we Jews have as God's people.  They say this is a new deal and Gentiles can join the club, too.  One big, happy family.  One big bunch of fanatics, if you ask me.
     You should see the inn shortage here.  I got stuck in with a room full of tourists from Cyrene that came to help the rabble-rousers out.  Invited me--me!--to sing with them.  No reason.  They just wanted to sing.  I mumbled something about singing at their funerals and not before.  I've got to watch those slips.  They may suspect me already.
                                                                                        Agent Aleph

     You should see me now! Pious as they come.  The day after Sabbath (Sunday, they call it), I got lost in the mob and sidled up to where I could keep my eye on B. while the meeting was on.  He was in a house helping pass out cups of wine and something on a plate I couldn't quite see.  There were people all over, shoved in at the door, sitting on the wall, peering in the window.  I scrooched up behind a bush so I could take notes inconspicuously.
     At some sort of signal everyone got down on their knees and started talking out loud.  Made me nervous.  They were thanking somebody for all the new proselytes and asking for wisdom and courage and stuff.
     Finally, B. got up and told the people to keep up the good work and gave them all greetings from Jerusalem.  Seemed like a great guy.  He really believes all this business.  Or else he's sly like nobody I've ever seen.
     Now get this.  Back about the time we nailed that carpenter, this B. sold off his land and turned over the entire amount to the bosses in Jerusalem.  From what I can tell, it was his own idea.  He's impetuous.  I'm keeping close tabs on him to see what he'll be up to next.
                                                                                      Agent Aleph

     I'd hardly dispatched my messenger with the last report before I had to split.  B. up and left for Tarsus to bring Saul back.  More and more, Antioch is looking strategic for our purposes.  Be thankful I'm not tailing Saul.  I studied under him, as you know, and he's a pro.  He gave me my first taste for the blood of these traitors before he went over to their side himself.  But B. I think I can handle.
     The group has real status now.  People have started calling them Christians.
                                                                                         Agent Aleph

     Saul and B. are as tight as ever.  They just came back from a mission to Jerusalem.  Someone came through with a sob story about a famine coming and the Christians all got together and had Saul and B. take money and food to Judea to help out.  They came back with a kid named John Mark, a real mama's boy.  Maybe we can play on Saul's nerves a little.  He doesn't go for wimps.
                                                                                           Agent Aleph

P.S. Could you forward my salary right away?  I've got a kid sister in Jerusalem and the guys promised if things get bad, they'd have someone there see she gets a square meal.

                                                                                            Antioch, AD 44
     This morning the whole clan gathered before daybreak in this meeting-house they've got rigged up. Without any breakfast, would you believe?  Well, the kids and babies had a snack but the rest of them have been going strong all day and I don't think food has occurred to them.
     Sometime after noon, when it started getting hot, I must have dozed off, because the next thing I remember, Saul and B. were in the limelight again with everyone gathered around looking serious.
     Lunchtime?  No such luck.  They just put their hands on Saul and B. and prayed for them.  Half the town must have followed them to the city gate and waved them goodbye.  At the last minute, the runt John Mark ran up and asked to go along.  I heard them say something about Seleucia and B. put his arm around J-M's shoulder and off they went.
     I'm waiting 'til dark to get on their trail.  Seleucia's a second-rate fishing village--shouldn't be hard to keep them in sight once I get there.
     I've been needing a good long walk.
                                                                                      Agent Aleph

     Well, how was I to know they'd grab a ferry and sail for Cyprus?  I made it just in time; had to bribe the captain to get aboard--the boat was full and the next one wasn't leaving for a good two weeks.  Even so,  I had to sleep in the hold with a cargo of fertilizer.  You know what happens to me on boats anyway.  Well, what with that--and the rats!--I hit Salamis ten pounds lighter and three shades greener and I didn't care if I never moved again.
     Saul and B.?  They took the whole trip in stride.  I heard them singing on deck overhead when the boat was pitching its hardest.  B.'s family met him at the dock and everybody hugged and kissed.  B.'s mom apparently thought twice after he left home and she came over to the cause.  The Christians went home with B. and I found a little place in an olive orchard--no sea in sight--and settled down, hoping to write my memoirs and grow old quietly.
     Today I discovered B. has already picked up again and is marching across the island giving speeches and winning the people over.  They really go for this kind of things.  They'd probably elect him to any office he chose.  John Mark is helping and isn't doing too bad.  Fortunately we've got enough men on our side to keep up relays heckling and causing trouble.
                                                                                         Agent Aleph

P.S. We reached Paphos, Cyprus, yesterday A.M.  This letter has been held up waiting for someone who'll be traveling to Jerusalem.
     There's a prophet here who's doing us a service.  The proconsul, a man named Sergius Paulus, is a friend of his.  Sergius got curious about these men--they've made news all over the island--and called them in to tell him their line.
     This prophet Bar-Jesus (or Elymas, they call him) got in the way every chance he could get.  He had the proconsul almost talked out of going along with these fellows but Saul put a hex on him and he's been blind ever since.  Made him look like a fool.
     To top it off, Sergius was so stunned that he has thrown in his lot with the Christians.
     I must say, it was pretty dramatic.
                                                                                     Agent Aleph

                                                                                      Perga, Pamphylia
Dear Chief,
     Back to sea again!  I was about ready to turn in my badge on the ship, but who should come around offering moral support but B. himself.  Took me for walks around the deck to get fresh air and brought me cups of broth when I was flat on my back.  Funny thing.  He's no jerk. He's not fooled a bit.  Remembers me from Antioch.  Says he's been praying for me.  What kind of mess have I gotten myself into?
     John Mark ditched and is heading back to Jerusalem.  I had some of our boys threaten him some.  They told him Saul was a publicity-seeker and would drive him to death.  Said B. would be buddy-buddy only as long as he could gt something out of him.  J-M and Saul haven't hit it off too well.  Personality clash.  We're working on Saul and B.  Surprised they've gotten along so well this far.  B. leaves all the ranting and raving to Saul except for cell meetings and individual button-holing.
                                                                                      Agent Aleph

                                                                                       Antioch, Pisidia
     What a day!  Since it's the Sabbath, the gang went to the local synagogue.  (This is part of a little routine they've worked up.)
     Everything went fine until the Law and the Prophets had been read.  Then the officials came over and asked if the men had any message for the people.  And did they!  Saul isn't one to pass up an opportunity.  He leaped to his feet and started in.  You think I wasn't embarrassed!  The people just sat there with their mouths hanging.
     Saul went on and on about how God chose the Jews and gave them rulers and then he went on smoothly into their heresy about Jesus being the eternal king that God promised David.
     He said this man which we put to death was raised again by God (this is the heart of their heresy) and that whoever believes in him is no longer subject to the Law of Moses.
     I expected the people to tear him apart but they ate it up.  They begged him to come back next week 
and tell them more.  They followed Saul and B. all over town, like they were some kind of heroes.  The men couldn't eat or change clothes or turn around without a dozen admirers at their elbow watching and asking questions.
     This is getting to be too much.  I'm launching Operation Opposition immediately.
                                                                                        Agent Aleph

(To be continued)

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