Sunday, July 11, 2010

LIFE SONG: Someone's Child

[Perhaps with a long poignant lead--humming or something]

Someone's child
How can I miss you?
How can it hurt to have you gone?
Someone's child
woven in secret,
fashioned by God to be His own
Tiny heart beating,
tiny arms reaching,
tiny mouth able to yawn.

They told her you were less than nothing
merely a choice she could make.
Because you were small,
hardly there at all,
she didn't know a life was at stake.

Someone's child
I wish I'd known you--
who would you have become?
Someone's child
I would have loved you.
Now I can only feel numb.
Tiny heart beating,
tiny arms reaching,
tiny mouth holding a thumb.

They told her you were less than nothing
merely a choice she could make.
Because you were small,
hardly there at all,
she didn't know a life was at stake.

Strong legs running,
happy voice laughting;
all that you would have been--gone.

Someone's child
Someone's child

[At the end, instead of fading out with "someone's child," maybe a counterpoint between "She didn't know" and "I would have loved you."]

Lyrics by Jessica Shaver, c) 1988

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