Saturday, May 28, 2016

ALPHABETABOBICAL LAND: Beek, Rekcarc Erif, Seye, Dnomaid, Nilbog, Beast Ing

     The Beek - This beast is made up of 50 lower teeth, 30 upper teeth, 2 eyes, an upper jaw, and a lower jaw. His teeth are white, his eyes are orange, and the rest of him is a blue-green-ish color. There are only 3 beeks in the whole world, all with monsterous appitites. They each eat food the size of a fat bear each day, although none of them are longer than 2 feet. One beek lives in Australia, one in Africa, and one in America, on my block. I've often asked it where the food goes that it devours, but it just blinks, hiccups, or grinds its teeth together. It's awful sound, the grinding, like someone chewing glass.
     So I dedicate this story to the three Beek brothers, Afr, Aus, and Ame.
     Always ame to do good aus it's better. Don't do bad unless you afr to.

     The Rekcarc Erif - A riddle--What animal is shaped like a fire cracker, has purple horns and doesn't eat? Answer--a rekcarc erif (fire cracker, backwards) of course!
     This animal has one foot for two legs. It inches one leg and that half of the foot, ahead of itself. Then the other half, and slowly it makes its way about.
     Every Saturday night, the Rekcarc Erif turns into firecrackers. At midnight, it goes whizzing up in the sky, exploding and bursting into beautiful flowers and other things, all very colorful, for half an hour. Then it floats gently to the ground, with a new design on its body, stars, flowers or zigzags.
     On the 4th of July, the Rekcarc Erif's birthday, it is so happy it flies on a cloud, bouncing with joy. If there's one thing a R.E. loves, it's having a birthday. On this night, this beast is all lighted up with colored lights. Everytime it bounces, it sends fire crackers from its lights and they go off, bursting in the sky.
     For the occasion, it always has on its very best body designs. After all the firecrackers have been shot off and the R.E. is finished bouncing, it floats down and has a party for itself. As I wrote, it never eats, but in its party, it doesn't even need to eat. It plays "Pin the Tail on the Tree," "Chess," "Rummy," "Hearts," "Old Maid," and "I Doubt It," along with other games, and stranly (sic) enough, it always wins! Then it writes lots of Happy Birthday notes to itself and gives itself lots of presents. Somehow it always seems to get pieces of tree bark, leaves, flowers, grass, and other things around it, but it doesn't mind.
     So on the next 4th of July, if you see some firecrackers, just remember that it's the Rekcarc Erif, bouncing for joy at the thought of having a birthday.

     The Seye - On a dark, windy night, if you're walking through a forest or down a lane and you see two eyes peering blinklessly down at you, don't be scared, it's only the Seye (pronounced Sigh). Here is his tale:
                                                The Seye's Tale
     "Once I was a hoot owl, a beautiful creature, and I could say "hoot" delightfully. One day a woman with a basket over her arm came walking up to me and said, "If I give you this basket of food, will you promise to eat everything in it?"
     I agreed with my mouth watering, and she gave me the basket. I opened it to find all sorts of delicious things in it, and I began eating. But the more I ate, the more food appeared in the basket, and as it never emptied, I knew the woman was a witch. When I stopped, with a stomach ache, the basket was still full. "Ha ha." cackled the witch, "You didn't keep your promise. Your eyes are larger than your stomach." And so saying, she cut out my eyes and a piece of my orange stomach, a pointed egg-shaped piece, and fastened them together, with the piece of stomach in the middle. "You are a Seye now." she said, "For your eyes are too big."
     And ever since then, when I see food, I always think I can eat it all, but I never can, because of the size of my eyes and stomach. Sigh"

     The Dno-maids (don't pronounce first D) -  The Dno-maids are strong beasts and always boys. Rarer than a K in the word Mars, is a girl Dno-maid. Each Dno-maid is made up completely of diamonds, with yellow tinges along the edges. All of them are transparent and can be invisible if the Dno-maid wants.
     These beasts are as fast as quicksilver and as hard as a greased bolt of lightning to catch. They each have diamonds in their body, each worth about $100,000.02. A diamond is always on the top of their head, twirling and whirling for no reason. In their bodies are small diamonds which are their hearts.
     There are 13 Dno-maids, including a King and a Queen. The Queen is rarer than a K in Mars, for it is a she! The King and Queen's son is a funny fellow that keeps them amused, called Prince Jack. The rest of the Dno-maids are servants. The first servant Dno-maid Their Excellencies got was the oldest. The next is one year younger and so on down the line. The King, Queen, and Jack were the first of the Dno-maids, born ten years ago in 1954. Then, in 1955, the oldest servant, Tenpu, was born. After him came Ninechow, Eightkry, Seveno, Sixum, Fivertail, Fourchoo, Threebee, Twoot, and Acetack.
      Their Excellencies let Acetack off half an hour every day, since he had only been born that year.
     Each day, the Dno-maids are allowed one piece of spinch which they all look forward too. All they ever eat is healthy food, vegetables, and food with vitamins.
     They live in a field somewhere in the world, and they move once a year. If you step on something sharp in a field, you may think it a nettle. You're wrong, for it's one a Dno-maid's pointed diamonds. 

     The Nilbog or Thgin Beast
A creepy creature is the Nilbog,
who has lanterns on his ears,
and flies around at midnight
giving little children fears.

He flies to any place he wants
and can twirl his head around,
and make the lanterns look like beacons
so he can hear the ships hit ground.

A mean beast, a goblin,
is the Nilbog or the Thgin
You'd think he might be lonly,
with no others of his kin.

Now don't go through the woods
if you think it is a lark,
You just might see two lanterns
a-shining in the dark.

And then the outline of this beast
would come into your view.
And soon only your clothes and shoes
would be what's left of you.

So children take my warning
And all you grown-ups too,
He's a goblin, this Nilbog is,
and not a thing that just says, "Boo!"

     The Beast Ing (the Bee Sting)  This creature has many friends. Sometimes he plays with the Straight Pin family, the Needles, the Bees, Hornets, and Wasps, the Nettles, and very rarely (when they're left open) the Safety Pins.
     The Beast Ing is peculiar because it adds "ings" to sentences when it's around. For instance, one time 2 men were talking of hunting. One said, "Tomorrow I'll go catch beasts." The Beast Ing came along and roared "Hello" very politely. When the roaring had ended, the man said, "As I was saying, tomorrow I'm going beasting."
     A few times when the Beast Ing came around, a person (or beast) near him would say, "Howing ising youring soning doing?" That meant the creature was too close.
     The beasts (or people) he came near were not always talking. Then he (the Beast Ing) was glad. But if people (or animals) kept chattering and chattering, he calmly pricked them and flew away, not hearing their yell of pain. Once, after he'd pricked a woman, he was flying low, only about a mile from the top of the Empire State Building if stretched a little. Two minutes later when the female chatterer felt the prick, she whizzed up in the air and bumped into Beast Ing, before falling into an elevator just coming to the roof of the E.S. building. She was whooshed down to the ground floor and back up, a few hundred times. Then she was let out, exausted, to go relate the tale to her friends. But she didn't take long to chatter this time!
     So, if you're chattering gayly away and you feel a prick, you may think it's the Beast Ing, but it will only be a nettle or a pin from you're clothing, for the Beast Ing only pricks his fellow beasts now, like the Beek, the Poomf, the Seye, the Umble Fly, the X Beast, and others. He hates noisy cities, and he's learned his lesson from trying to gently prick a honking automobile. He didn't know, how could he have? It was the first time he'd tried it.

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