Monday, May 23, 2016

ALPHABETABOBICAL LAND: The Lubusnortch and the Jillabub


     The Lubusnortch - An oceanic beast is the Lubusnortch, which is always found out of sight of land. It paddles around with its round red hands and very snoopily sticks its long nose in the air and closes its eyes.
     It got its name from being shaped like an L and then up like a u and around for a B. It say "snortch" scoffingly at anything said to it.
     Its chief food is fish and its drink salt water but on special occasions when it flies, using its paddle hands for wings, it eats birds it meets, or eggs. When angry, the beast straightens out and stiffens for a whole minute with eyes flashing. Then it's just called a snortch.

     The Jillabub - This creature has four stages of life, baby, infant, toddler and child. At one day, the Jillabub is a baby, oddly shaped and blue-green with orange eyes, mouth, and feet. At 1 week, the infant is bigger, yellow, long tail, blue claws, teeth, and a mean look. The toddler is larger, green, with orange claws, and a hard, leathery tail. It is devilish and deadly at 1 month. When the Jillabub is a full-grown child at 1 year, it is its smallest size, egg-shaped, orange, and cute. It dies soon afterwards.
     One Jillabub I knew was 1 month old when I knew him. Each time he roamed the town, 1 person was found missing. His leathery tail would slap anyone in his way, and I'm sure the slap was felt. People got so scared they locked themselves in their houses and never came out. The fate of the shops were left to the Jillabub and he had a wonderful time eating the food. He liked it so much he forgot to be mean and was very kind to the people from then on.

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