Tuesday, May 24, 2016



     The Kedrap - The Kedrap is a job stealing beast. He is made up of a large box, open at his right side, and has a blue body to carry it on. He has two pairs of arms, each with 2 extras, and 3 pairs of legs with 3 extras, in case of stubbing his toes or fingers. If this happens, his leg (or arm) falls off, the next one grows its size and takes its place, and a new baby sprouts. There is no curved line of this creature's body and even the flag at the end of him is made with straight lines. These beasts are usually found around stations taking the place of porters or up in the mountains, taking the place of lumberjacks by chopping wood with the flag and carring it down to cold people or saw mills. The Kedrap is a busy beast.


Kathryn said...

How old were you when you did this? Look at the perspective in the drawing. Wow. :)

Jessica Renshaw said...

Thank you, Kathryn. I was ten.