Thursday, May 19, 2016


     The Alphabetabobbical Beast - The ruler of all the Alphabet creatures lives in Alphabetabobbical land. All the Alphabet Beasts live in the Alphabetabobbical Forest. There is a river in this land, shaped like this:

In the smaller part that is roped off, is for the things (beasts or humans, or sometimes just "things) that don't want to fish. It was debobbicated of fish, so that only swimming is done there. Anything (usually things) thingish enough to fish in that part where there are no fish, is pretty thingish, I must say. The larger part is for boating and fishing.
     The Alphabetabobbical Park has 200 apple trees, 150 cherry trees, and 100 plain shade trees, elm, acorn, palm, elm, etc. There are also benches, squirrels, ponds, grass, flowers, occasionally people (or things) etc.
     Between the park and the forest is the Alphabetabobbical's palace with a moat around it. It's just a house, really, but the alphabet creatures don't have houses, so one looks to them like a palace.
     The army of soldiers that are ready for battle live at the palace, in case their enemies, the (sound you make while frowning quietly, not spelled with any of the letters of the alphabet) should attack them.
     Their enemies also had a spare army at their palace, and a lake and mountains, but their whole land could fit nicely in the A's river, with space to move. While the enemies had 4,262 spare armies, the Alphabetabobbicals had 4,263 armies in a spare corner of the forest. In the Other Land (that's what they call the enemie's land) there were 4 groups of Others. The kinds of Others are:
     1. The Others (including King, main group)
     2. The Thers
     3. The Hers
     4. The Ers (sometimes Rs, when bad) (none of Others spelled with 39 alphabetical letters, decoded
     Each group had 4,000 Others living in that "finger" of the Other Land. The land they lived in was shaped like this: uuuu --It is the most southern part of the Other Land.
     Sometimes, when the Others are especially good, the King makes them Bothers, and they have a feast. Then all the other groups are promoted, the Thers to Others, the Hers to Thers, etc.
     To explain better, the sound you make when you frown quietlys are divided in 4 parts. I've written those parts. They aren't spelled that way and aren't pronounced that way, since there all sounds like when you frown quietly, or something, so they can't be spelled with alphabetical letters. Take 10 minutes off to figure it out.
     Have you solved it? Thanks, now explain it to me.
     The hills in the Other Land have three peaks, like so: mmm. Each is precisely the same shape, one 300 feet high, one 500, and one 600 feet.
     The two lands are each surrounded by a high wall, with sentrys posted at each corner. Alphabetabobbical Land has 20 sentrys and 10 corners so that each corner looks like this:   /sentrys, one to look over one side of the wall and one to look over the other side.
     The Others had a round wall around their land, so they had no sentries. Their wall was made completely of barb wire, and was 2 feet high. But as the Alphabetabobbicals never went out of the wall (there were no gates) they didn't know how tall it was. All the sentries that looked out of their land, and towards the Other land, were rather in the habit of dreamily throwing rocks down on anything that came out from the Other Land so they could [n't? ink blot here] see them.
     One day one of the Other's armies attacked. There was a long hard battle fought, and after 3 weeks, the starved Others retreated. They trudged wearily back to the place where the spare armies were kept, and the next army all ready for battle marched to take their place at the palace.
     The next day the Alphabetabobbical King was indeed astonished at reading the front page of the Alphabetabobbical Monthly paper. The headlines were:
                             "Great Fight Between Others and Thers of Enemy Army"
     The paper said:
"For three weeks, the Others and Thers of the enimy army in the Other Grounds have been fighting each other for some strange reason. Ideas have been that the army might have gone mad or mistaken each other for the Alphabetabobbicals. More males needed for sentries. Please apply to the Alphabetabobbical Press, Route 33rd tree to left of hill, 3rd limb of 4th branch from top, on right, near end of leaves." There was a large picture of a coconut in the middle of the page. Or was it a fuzzy head?
     All the creatures in the forest were astounded too, when their paper came.
     In the forest were three tall peaks, one 32,000 feet high, one 64,000 feet, and the highest was 114,000 feet. The highest had a cave in it called "The Cave of the Terrible Squash." It was well known and had a long history which I will relate now:
Once a giant lived in the cave and was called the Terrible Squash. He was not mean and usually very kind, but as his thumb was 38 feet long, he saw creatures our size as we see a molecule or an adam. So he lived in this cave and squashed creatures everywhere he went in the forest. One day he didn't come and when a beast came some weeks later to see why he didn't roam about, he found the giant dead in the cave. So he called all the other beasts and they cut off the thumb of the Terrible Squash and hung it in the cave entrance with the initials "T.S." on his fingernail, so that anything coming to the cave could remember this giant. In the entrance  
of the room he was found dead in, these beasts hung his teeth, like so: [see manuscript] And his hair hung like a curtain across another entrance, like zeese: [see manuscript]
     And all the beasts lived happily ever after. Their stories are somewhere in this book if you want to read them.


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