Monday, May 30, 2016


     The Poomf - To make a baby Poomf, you would need a blue lollipop with an orange stick; some red, dark green, and light green paper; some Scotch-tape or paste; and scissors. Cut the red paper into a small round nose, as shown in the Poomf Picture, a half-moon mouth, and an arrow. The light green is for his round eyes, and the dark green for his egg-shaped foot. Twist the lollipop stick-leg like the picture, and tape on foot and other features. Give it the Magic Touch and there's your beast, alive and happy! Feed him cat whiskers every rainy day, not on other days, or you'll have a seasick creature on your hands. I advise making a baby Poomf the size of your lollipop, although real baby Poomfs are usually ten feet long, fourteen feet if uncurled. Parent Poomfs are more than fifty feet if uncurled.
     In cold weather, wrap your beast in silk scarves (not too many!) and put in a drawer. In hot weather untape and eat your lollipop, before it gets sticky and gooey.

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