Wednesday, May 4, 2016

PHOENIX: Childhood artifacts - my dolls

     Behind me, in my bunk, is Cynthia. I don't know what happened to her. Ditto my baby doll Judy and my koala made with kangaroo fur ( I always thought that was odd--do Aussies make their stuffed kangaroos with koala fur?), and ears sticking out to the side, stiff like handles. (See below.)
     Or Bo-chan. Although I didn't know it at the time, Bo-chan was a distressed African-American baby doll. (See two pictures below.) Skipper or Mum gave him a Japanese boy's name (pronounced Boh-chan or Boat-chan, with a glottal stop in the middle) and put him in a kimono. It never occurred to me he wasn't originally Japanese.
     Where did that monkey come from? Don't have clear memories of him.

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